

直感的で使いやすいデジタルペンを提供し続けるワコムは、時代のニーズに応じた授業や学習を支援します。オンライン授業でも生徒間の双方向のコミュニケーションや共同作業を活発化し、教室での学びのように最後まで集中して授業に参加できます。既存の ITインフラに負担なく組み込むことができ、様々な学習シーンへの活用いただけます。

Contact us for more information

Questions? Our experienced sales staff can provide you with insight and best practices on implementation for your classroom or district, as well as information on demos and volume discounts.



Interactive Teaching

Elevate engagement. Encourage interaction and discussion. Bring your content to life.

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Classroom Collaboration

Interact with digital lesson materials together in real time, both in the digital space or the classroom.

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Online Tutoring

Deliver a more impactful tutoring experience in person or in a digital learning space.

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Content & Assessment

Create rich interactive learning materials. Receive, mark and share assessments digitally using digital ink.

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Pen Displays

Whether in the classroom or online, teachers can use pen displays to present lessons, illustrate learnings, take notes, and answer questions. When it comes to students, the pen makes the switch to digital working easy and intuitive.

Pen Tablets

Pen tablets are a proven and affordable teaching aid and are great to use as digital whiteboards. The digital pen allows teachers to enhance lectures and maintain eye contact with students while working remotely. Plus, students can use them to submit work digitally, so there’s no more shuffling and organizing countless pieces of paper.

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Smartpads pair with any paper you have to hand, and can project onto a PC or mobile device in real-time. Whether in the classroom or teaching remotely, they make it easy for teachers to present materials and for students to take notes – and keep it all digital.



More engagement

The more students are involved, the deeper the learning - both in classroom and online. Our products enable greater class participation and collaboration.

More flexibility

Technology should adapt to your teaching style and learning set up. Not the other way around. Designed to work with your preferred devices, operating systems and software, our products are plug and play. Or, should we say, plug and teach.

More cost-effective

Our products are not only cost-effective, they’re also easy to maintain. Our pens and displays are proven to perform in high-usage environments and are built to last.





Gideon Schnog(セント・レオ大学 クライアントテクノロジーサービス部長)


授業を活性化 ― ワコムで新たな時代の学びを実現


Martin Aust(ドルトムント工科大学 IT&メディアセンター メディアサービス部)



Celina Bertocini(ブルックリン・エマージングリーダーズ・アカデミー[高校]、9学年STEAM教師)



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