Thank you for your recent purchase of a Cintiq Companion 2 Creative Tablet and welcome to the Wacom family. To get you up and running, we offer you free valuable software, as well as installation videos, webinars, blogs and software tutorials. Wacom also has a wide range of product accessories for your Cintiq Companion 2. And if you need more help, you can contact one of our customer care representatives who are happy to assist you.

Find out more about Cintiq Companion 2 ::before ::after


如果要讓您的 Wacom 產品順利運作,則必須安裝軟體驅動程式。如果您尚未安裝,請下載並安裝正確的軟體驅動程式。如果您需要開始使用您的產品的其他協助,請務必返回這個頁面。



有關流行軟件應用程序的教程將幫助您充分利用新的創意平板電腦和軟件。 看看這些流行的,強調各種技術,讓您開始。

Help Guides

Please refer to the printed Quick Start Guide provided in the product box for descriptions of the parts and components for your Cintiq Companion 2 and instructions for setup. Help topics will help you make the best use of your Cintiq. You can access Help by pressing the ? icon located on the bottom right corner of the Wacom Tablet Properties in your driver, or from the Help & Support section of the Wacom Desktop Center.

Cintiq Companion 2 Users Manual ::before ::after

Customer Support

Need help getting started with your Wacom? Contact our support team here or call: 1-855-MY-WACOM (699-2266)
Monday - Friday 6am to 6pm (Pacific Time)



描畫筆提供了與 Wacom 緊握筆相同的所有功能,但不帶橡膠夾,外形更加纖巧。


5 支装影拓和新帝产品专用黑色更换笔尖。


5 支装白色毛毡更换笔尖。


适用于大多数 Wacom 数位笔的 5 支装标准更换笔尖。


5 个装灰色弹性笔尖,这款带双弹簧的笔尖可提供笔刷效果。

Cintiq 調整式腳架

可根據您的工作風格輕鬆調整,讓您能夠維持更久的專注力。它可以平躺著工作,或是以 22 度、35 度或 50 度的角度工作。當您將 Cintiq 放在腿上使用時,也可以輕鬆拆卸。您可以將一個腳架放在工作室使用,並將另一個腳架放在家中使用。

Cintiq 軟套

方便隨處攜帶的軟質便攜座。可輕鬆存放您的無線鍵盤和畫筆 (無線鍵盤和畫筆並未隨附其中)

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