Kevin P. Kulbacki, D-ABFDE
CEO, Forensic Document Examiner • KDX Forensic Consulting
Kevin P. Kulbacki is the CEO of KDX Forensic Consulting, one of the premier Forensic Document Examination firms within the United States. Mr. Kulbacki has over a decade of experience as an Expert in the examination of documents for evidence of alteration, counterfeiting, and forgery, including working for both the IRS Criminal Investigation’s National Forensic Laboratory and the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division. Mr. Kulbacki is certified as a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners and is the current Chairman of the AAFS Academy Standards Board’s Forensic Document Examination Consensus Body, which is charged with the creation of consensus-based standards for the field of Forensic Document Examination.