Create directly on screen with our most natural pen experience

Wacom Cintiq Pro 16, 24 and 32 are advanced creative pen displays, featuring premium 4K screens with world class color performance and virtually no parallax. Combined with Wacom Pro Pen 2, they offer an experience designed to enhance every creative breakthrough.


Get complimentary software offers with every Wacom Intuos Pro*.

*To get your complimentary software, you need to sign-in or create a Wacom ID with your personal data and register your Wacom Intuos Pro.


Capture One

使用 3 個月的 Capture One Pro 授權和 Wacom Cintiq Pro,透過全套編輯功能和 AI 工具處理耗時的任務,減少工作量,創造更多內容。可直接連接電腦進行快速同步拍攝*。無論團隊和客戶身在何處,都能實現無縫協作。經過專業設計的預設,可實現即時呈現。另外,還可獲得令人驚嘆的色彩和圖像質量。所有這些都是為了按照你想要的方式使用 Wacom 設備工作而設計的。

* 如欲獲得 3 個月的免費試用,需登入個人資料或建立 Wacom ID,並替裝置註冊。如欲開始使用 Capture One,需註冊 Capture One,並根據 Capture One 銷售條款以長期付費方式訂閱軟體。如需終止,需在 3 個月試用期結束前取消訂閱。適用其他條款與條件


Toon Boom Harmony

世界各地的工作室都使用 Toon Boom Harmony Premium 22 軟體完成完整的動畫製作過程——現在您可以免費試用 3 個月*。體驗 Harmony 的全套動畫工具——色彩管理、音訊和口型同步技術、3D 環境工具等——使其成為與 Wacom Cintiq Pro 結合使用的完美工具。

* 安裝後如欲使用軟體,需先向 Toon Boom 進行註冊。適用條款與條件。


Toon Boom Storyboard Pro

Toon Boom 的 Storyboard Pro 支援完整的故事分鏡流程——現在您還可以免費試用 Toon Boom 3 個月*。Storyboard Pro 匯集了您下一個故事分鏡專案所需的所有工具:繪圖、腳本、相機控制、動畫創作功能及音訊。

* 安裝後如欲使用軟體,需先向 Toon Boom 進行註冊。適用條款與條件。



兌換免費三個月(或 250 GB)的快速檔案傳輸服務。影片及專業創作人士如需快速傳輸大型檔案,MASV 是他們最可靠的夥伴。你可以將檔案傳送給預計的收件人,或使用 MASV 入口網站,讓客戶與合作夥伴向你傳送檔案。用戶介面簡單好懂,每個人都可以輕鬆使用。




優惠有效期至 2024 年 9 月 1 日。

*要獲得3個月使用期的附贈軟體,您需要登入或以您的個人資料新建一個Wacom ID並註冊您的裝置。要在安裝後開始使用Shapr3D軟體,必須註冊Shapr3D。

Designed for the way you create

Wacom Pro Pen 2:
natural and precise

Our state-of-the-art creative pen technology. 8,192 levels of pressure sensitivity and unparalleled tilt recognition means that every stroke, every move of your hand is followed with unerring accuracy.

Precise pressure sensitivity

Great accuracy

Virtually no lag


Natural tilt support

No parallax 

No batteries or recharging

A display that looks and feels totally natural

The etched glass screen provides a distinct, tactile experience as you draw, mimicking the feel of a pen on paper while reducing unwanted glare and reflections.

The displays offer realistic color accuracy up to 99% Adobe RGB, plus, at 4K resolution, you can see every detail of your creation in pinpoint accuracy on the bigger Cintiq Pro 32 and 24 screens.

For a similar experience, but on a smaller scale, use the Cintiq Pro 16.

Choose your Wacom Cintiq Pro.

Let your most daring ideas run wild on the new Wacom Cintiq Pro 32 and 24.
If you’re often on the road or short of desk space, the Wacom Cintiq Pro also comes with 15.6.
Because one size doesn’t fit all.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 32

Our biggest screen yet. Ideal for 3D modelling, illustration for game development and animation.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 24

A large workspace, suiting those with photography, graphic and advertising design needs.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 16

A practical, yet powerful size. Perfect for the most demanding painting and retouching jobs.

Designed to increase your productivity

As a creative professional, time’s rarely on your side. That’s why Wacom Cintiq Pro puts productivity solutions right at your fingertips.

Connect your way

Connect to any Mac or PC with a single USB-C cable (included) to a USB-C port for both video and data. Other video connections like DisplayPort or HDMI are also included, which require USB port for data.

Make it match you

The ExpressKey™ Remote* puts 17 programmable buttons within easy reach. The on-screen keypad and the radial menus offer further one-touch shortcuts.

*Sold with Cintiq Pro 24 and 32. Sold separately for Cintiq Pro 16

A natural interface

Pan, zoom or rotate your work with multi-touch gestures* - as simple as using your smartphone.

*Available on touch models.

Wacom Warranty

Learn more about our warranty for new and refurbished products.

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