The collaboration of “Modeler x Artist” - where to find the creator’s will. Which novel art expression can we expect from the collaboration between a modeler and an artist?
This session focuses on 3D figures which have become one of the most iconic items of Japanese culture and are highly regarded in the world. The question of how to find the creator’s will is addressed here. In general, “models” as a basis for 3D figures are produced by modelers who interpret two-dimensional drawings for 3D realization. Modelers are professionals who make such models for 3D figures whereas illustrators draw the 2D blueprints for them. The 2D and 3D worlds “intermingle and collaborate” with each other in this session. What will come out of inspiring dialogs between an illustrator and modeler when they work together as equal partners? The session provides a glimpse into the new growing community for creating 3D figures.