Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Before starting out, it’s important to learn about the different kinds of animation there are, so you can decide which one is right for you.
Traditional, or classic, animation involves the process of hand drawing images onto translucent paper, with a soundtrack used to help ensure a story is told in the correct order. Images are then photographed or scanned, before being turned into a moving image.
You can also use an animation tablet to do all of this digitally which can be more efficient in many ways.
2D animation is likely to be the first port of call for novice animators, with lots of software options available. This is a relatively straightforward method, with no need for perfect drawings skills. Plus, you can use software that enables you to move body parts independently, so you don’t have to constantly redraw characters.
3D, computer generated animation is harder to grasp, as it requires mastering 3D modeling techniques. These include box (or subdivision) modeling, and contour (or edge) modeling. Grasping these together with an animation pad will allow you to create models that can move within software, with a computer doing the hard work of moving characters between key frames.
Stop motion animation, the use of objects such as puppets or clay models that are moved frame-by-frame, is rewarding but time consuming. Think of the work of Aardman, such as the Wallace and Gromit films.
It helps to pick a medium to work in once you’ve read up and researched all the different kinds of animation out there. 2D is perhaps the most obvious to start with, as it is relatively easy to understand, with a plethora of good software and hardware out there to help get you started.
Wacom’s Cintiq range is a brilliant entry point, giving you the ability to draw characters on screen and animate them.
As with any creative endeavor, it’s essential to spend time practicing animation. That means time spent drawing on a pen tablet or pen display, or learning the intricacies of software. As well as time on a computer, it’s also worth taking a sketch pad and pencil out with you, observing how people and animals move and drawing them when you get the chance. This will help you refine your animation skills and make characters move more realistically.
Once you’ve spent some time playing around and learning the basics of your software, it’s well worth looking at different online courses. Many are available as free video tutorials, but you can also pay for courses which specialize in particular software platforms. Both will help you develop your skills, whether you want to learn how to make simple 2D animations or craft 3D masterpieces.
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
Wacom ставит своей глобальной целью сближение людей и технологий с помощью естественного интерфейса. Эта концепция сделала компанию ведущим мировым производителем интерактивных графических планшетов и интерактивных дисплеев, а также цифровых стилусов и решений для сохранения и обработки цифровых подписей. Высокие технологии, которые легли в основу интуитивных устройств ввода Wacom, используются для создания превосходных работ цифрового искусства, фильмов, спецэффектов, разработок в области моды и дизайна по всему миру, а также позволяют индивидуальным и корпоративным пользователям выразить свою индивидуальность с помощью одной из лучших технологий интерфейсов. Компания Wacom, основанная в 1983 году, является международной компанией с головным офисом в Японии (Токийская фондовая биржа 6727) и имеет дочерние и аффилированные компании по всему миру, которые занимаются маркетингом и продажами более чем в 150 странах.