LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, AND EVERYTHING - impulses from the “sounds of the universe”. Which new windows to creativity will be opened by cosmic particles and waves arriving from outer space?
Ever since its birth about 13.8 billion years ago, the Universe has kept expanding to date. Intrigued by its mystique, many creators feel drawn to the Universe as a source of inspiration. Here, four artists are invited as the team that created sound art in which cosmic muons and solar winds are elaborated and turned into poetic expressions of “sounds of the Universe”. These creators talk about what made this project happen and their zeal in art activities. On stage, the performance team NORA presents their work “KOPPA” with their contemporary dance and the installation of recycled scrap wood as a collaboration inspired by “sounds of the Universe”. When we cast our eyes to the Universe, what will come into view? Which new stories are going to be spun out of this unknown world? This is a joint attempt to explore the possibility of new art expressions opened up by all that escapes the constraints of linguistic embodiment.
(This project is supported by Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo and by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 19K13027. Photo credit: AEgIS experiment at CERN)