13. Nov 2022
15:50 - 16:10

Reverse engineering innovation design with Wacom

Creative Business
Dauer: 20 Min.
Ursprüngliche Sprache:
Simultanverdolmetschung: Nein
Untertitel: Nein
Sitzungstyp: presentation
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As the principal method for mastering advanced design concepts from abroad, reverse engineering is necessary for mechanical design, structural design, and other relevant fields. It has attracted enormous attention from industry and academia in various countries. As computer technology, especially digital measurement technology, is highly developed, reverse engineering technology provides new and efficient product development solutions for the manufacturing industry. And the combination of rapid prototyping, i.e. 3D printing, and reverse technology in the manufacturing process has greatly improved the competitiveness of these companies. The data obtained from reverse engineering technology becomes fundamental to innovation and redesign, which is conducive for us to redesign the Wacom Touch Screen, simplifying the operations and highlighting innovative elements, all making it a handful assistance for product designers. The screen will provide a good reference for product designers as it introduces the operation steps and corresponding application scenarios.