Won’t it be great when every creation can be traced back to its creator? When creativity and imagination is protected everywhere, across any platform? That time is now. Wacom plans to empower creators with total control and the freedom to collaborate with anyone around the globe, safely. Where every contribution from each artist gets the credit it deserves. In the new reality of Web 3.0 characterized by SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) and NFT, it’s about time that secure blockchain technology properly served artists too. No more confusion, no more missed opportunities.
At Connected Ink 2021 Wacom and partners jointly present the Creative Rights Initiative to transform creative rights with new technology and innovative services. There will be several enlightening sessions focused on showing the world how to enter a new era of digital security in the creative chaos.
Credit where credit is due. It sounds so obvious. However in a world where digital content is shared on multiple platforms and in every corner of the internet, it’s easy for a contribution to get forgotten. So to help solve this issue Wacom making copyright management more accessible by creating a suite of new systems and services to help protect each contribution in collaborative projects. Ensuring all contributors get the credit they deserve . Opening up more opportunities for new projects and allowing all creators to focus on what’s important: creating.
As a leader in creative technology Wacom always strive to innovate – right now by exploring new ways to empower creators and artists with Self Sovereign Identity technology, which allows users to self-manage their digital ID without depending on third parties. This platform also supports creators when multiple artists collaborate on the same project. Making licensing easy and more accurately tracking who did what.
Wacom’s invisible watermarking is the crucial technology. It’s like stamping a personalized digital signature on a work but without leaving a visible trace – a game-changing upgrade of online protection.
Every artist values the freedom. Nobody should try to lock creators into just one platform. The goal is to create technology artists love. Technology that works in collaboration with the platforms and software they feel most comfortable to create in. Right now Wacom is exploring new partnerships that will enable the creative community to better manage their data in transparent and fully trusted ways.