Opening: What will come out of the “creative chaos”? Let us feel the spatiotemporal infinity of the universe and give thoughts to human creativity.
Satoru Kobayashi • Atelier Mayura of Rumbini Art Museum
Tomoya Kikuchi • Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
Dr. Yuri Tanaka • Tokyo University of the Arts
Pavle Dinulović • University of Arts in Belgrade
Dr. Umut Kose • CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)
Connected Ink 2021 hosts the theme of “Creative Chaos”. The 6th Connected Ink is launched with the setting of “the Universe” as its opening theme. CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics), Ars Electronica (a cultural institute from Linz, Austria), sound designers and artistic researchers on the the Universe team producing the “sounds of the Universe” (sound art through cosmic muons and solar winds) as the background. Against such a sound carpet, a solo cellist from the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra or IMPALA, a performance unit adds layers of artistic expressions - all of which dig into the core of human creativity. The highlight of the opening is a departure of art works created by Satoru Kobayashi into the open Universe. Now, setting off on the journey in quest of unlimited creativity of human beings and feeling the vastness of the Universe away from this planet. This opening marks the start of the event lasting 27 hours nonstop with the question: What will come out of the creative chaos?
(The “sounds of the Universe” project is supported by Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo and by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 19K13027.)