Natural note taking goes digital

Taking handwritten notes digitally should be as easy and fast as it is on paper. Wacom Notes has you covered. But there’s more:

  • Easily search and organize your notes with a few keystrokes and your digital pen
  • Share your notes across multiple formats and devices
  • Access contextual information as you write using the Semantic Ink feature – no browser needed

Give Wacom Notes a try today on your Android or Windows 10/11 - free!

Fast, easy handwritten notes

The Wacom Notes app makes taking handwritten notes digitally natural and fast. It also makes sharing and using them across different documents easy. What's more, it has features that let you work even more efficiently.

For example, the lasso function lets you easily and quickly move your text elements around your document. Colors and highlighters let you emphasize important points and differentiate between topics to aid recall – without switching pens. And you can convert your notes into editable typed text with a couple of pen taps.

That means you can focus fully on efficient, organized, hassle-free note-taking.

Notas que nunca se pierden.

Todas tus notas se pueden buscar

Wacom Notes hace que todo lo que has escrito y guardado se pueda buscar de forma rápida y completa. Sin etiquetado. Sin catalogación manual. Olvidar detalles y perder ideas importantes se convierte en algo del pasado.

Organiza las notas a tu manera

Los temas facilitan la clasificación de tus notas por temáticas. Lo que hagas después depende de ti: renombrarlas o exportarlas a un nuevo formato. Sea lo que sea que funcione mejor en tu mundo, Wacom Notes te lo hace más sencillo.

Notes that tell you more

Wacom Notes recognizes what you write, and gives you access to additional information with a single pen tip: Related words and phrases link to deeper details from Wikipedia. No need to switch to a browser – it’s all right there for you in your document. It’s called Semantic Ink, and it simply makes your notes smarter.*

*Semantic Ink requires to sign-in or create a Wacom ID with your personal data, and an internet connection.

Tus notas, en cualquier momento y lugar que las necesites

Convierte las notas en texto mecanografiado

Convierte tus notas escritas a mano sin problemas en texto mecanografiado con un solo clic. Para que puedas compartir tus ideas con compañeros de trabajo y amigos más fácilmente y con mayor claridad.

Tus notas en formatos flexibles

Las notas en papel no son flexibles. Puedes exportar y compartir rápidamente tus notas en formato .txt, .doc, .pdf, .jpeg, .png, o .svg con Wacom Notes. Es lo último en flexibilidad para tomar notas, lo que hace que tus apuntes sean más útiles independientemente de para qué los necesites.

Tus notas, accesibles desde cualquier lugar

No solo puedes exportar tus notas en diferentes formatos, sino que Wacom Notes te permite guardarlas y sincronizarlas en línea. Esto facilita el acceso y el uso desde cualquier lugar en una serie de dispositivos Wacom, Windows y Android. La decisión es tuya.

For education or at work

For students

Wacom Notes lets you use your notes more flexibly - in the classroom, while studying or when working with your classmates on projects. It's a tool that will quickly become part of your day-to-day process for thinking, learning and creating.

For working professionals

Wacom Notes integrates your handwritten notes seamlessly into your digital documents at work. Whether you're capturing ideas in a meeting, jotting down notes when taking a Zoom call from home or providing feedback on documents shared by colleagues - Wacom Notes enhances the way you work, every day.

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