如何设计你自己的 logo,以及五个关键的设计技巧

无论你是要设计自己的 logo,还是要学习图形设计技术,以制作视觉上更引人注目的图标、名片或网站页面,你都可以阅读本指南,获取更多建议,让你成为一名更好的设计师。

如何设计一个 logo

设计你自己的 logo,需要你进行大量的事先研究。首先,花一些时间在网上看看那些早已融入我们日常生活的 logo,了解它们的共同点。然后,做一个情绪板,结合你喜欢的 logo,给你自己设定一个你想要达到的视觉目标。接下来,在你打开电脑插图软件之前,花一些时间,用纸笔勾画自己的想法。即使是基本的涂鸦也不要扔掉,保留起来。你不知道这些涂鸦何时会派上用场。如果你要为一个品牌制作 logo,要确保它与品牌定位一致,从网站上的字体到品牌在市场上的定位都需要注意。

在 logo 的设计过程中,要保持简单原则。请记住,有名的 logo,往往是故意为之的简单明了,这样才能让它更容易被人们记住。要让 logo 脱颖而出,你就需要学习如何制作自定义字体,同时使用吸引眼球的颜色。如果这太有挑战性的话,你可以使用在线制作工具,为你的个人品牌或创业公司设计一个简单的 logo。



此外,使用基于矢量的设计软件工具来制作信纸。这种工具能在不损失质量的情况下扩大和缩小设计。层次和对齐的关键图形设计技术也十分重要,这会决定信笺是否能突出展示 logo 或公司名称。

还有一点需要注意的是,一封信的首要目的,是传达特定信息,信纸本身虽然重要,但只是一个次要的组成部分。考虑到这一点,信纸尽量不要过度使用颜色,并保持页面顶部干净简洁。联系方式可以放在页底,这样可以充分使用 A4 页面上的所有空间。



在此过程中,有一些基本规则要牢记。确保所有文字都在距卡片边缘 5 毫米以内;保证合理的字体尺寸,让细节可读;使用基本颜色,保持版面简洁。你可以采用网格设计,较为容易保证层次结构。尺寸建议是一张信用卡的大小,这样名片就可以方便地塞进钱包。





有大量的在线工具可以帮助你建立你的网站。这些工具通常有现成的模板,帮助你确认你要建立什么样的网站。这些工具十分重要,是一个好网站的核心。当然,即使有如此强大的工具,你仍需了解色彩理论以及诸如“F 格式”等设计基础知识。网页“F 格式”是基于用户眼睛在屏幕上扫描页面的方式而得出的一个结论,即一个网站上重要的信息应遵循字母 F 的形状来排列。

How to design icons

Icons are made in sets, which means they need to work well together and belong to a group. To do this, it's important to start with simple shapes – an icon should be drawn using circles, triangles or squares before being refined.

Starting designs within a set grid and a dedicated border means that each icon will have the beginnings of a uniform look. Then it’s a case of bringing your paper–based sketches to life using design software. Consistency is key. That means adding a small feature such as corner cut out or curve to each icon so that they are obviously related. It’s worth avoiding hand drawn curves, instead relying on software to add them into designs to ensure they are perfect every time.

Because icons tend to be small, especially on smartphone screens, it’s essential to keep pixels aligned. Any angles on an icon that hasn’t been aligned properly may appear out of shape and poorly put together.

As with all good design, simplicity is essential, even more so with icons. Flourishes and overly illustrated designs will be hard to discern and make icons look overly fussy.





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Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.

Pen displays

Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.


Write with pen on paper and convert your handwritten notes to digital.


Write and quickly note ideas on your mobile device with a Wacom stylus.

About Wacom

Wacom’s vision is to bring people and technology closer together through natural interface technologies. This has made it the world’s leading manufacturer of interactive pen tablets and displays as well as of digital styli and solutions for saving and processing digital signatures. The advanced technology of Wacom’s intuitive input devices has been used to create some of the most exciting digital art, films, special effects, fashion and designs around the world and provides business and home users with their leading interface technology to express their personality. Founded in 1983, Wacom is a global company based in Japan (Tokyo Stock Exchange 6727) with subsidiaries and affiliate offices around the world to support marketing and distribution in over 150 countries. 

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