Title: The spark is in you! Mirror portraits during times of isolation Artist: Oliver Madlener
Artist Profile: Oliver Madlener is an autodidact and has been dedicating his free time to this passion since many years. His favorite topic are humans, portraits and nude painting as he believes that the human is the most versatile subject with an innate beauty. He uses mixed media, acrylics, ink, watercolors, oil and digital media to generate his artwork. Putting the focus on the spirit of the object he is painting, catching the essence simple and beautiful. Always trying to improve, he paints daily as a routine and feels lucky to work for Wacom. He regularly publishes his art on Instagram.
Comment: My first goal was to draw as many team members as I could during the time of the entry, as I wanted to show that there is a spark in everyone of us. We are the spark of Wacom and me as an artist I am mesmerized by the energy that shines in the eyes of everyone of us. I could not leave my home for 14 days due to mandatory isolation and after this period everyone else was also at home, so I shifted my idea from drawing others, to drawing myself as a placeholder for everyone who has to stay at home and work during this trying times. We all have this spark in us and I love being able to see it.