
Wacom Inkspace is an app that helps you nurture work created on paper. You can transform handwritten notes into text; and turn sketches into image, vector or video file formats – ready to edit in your favorite creative programs. Inkspace works in harmony with our Bamboo Slate and Bamboo Folio smartpads enabling you to craft, enhance and share ideas more effectively than ever before.


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体验 Inkspace 的直观特色如何让你的工作流程更加流畅。

Ink to Text

  • Convert handwritten notes to text or DOC formats
  • Easily edit and share your notes
  • Save time as you don’t have to retype every word
  • Recognizes 22 languages

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Ink to Presentation

  • Ink to Video - Record your work coming together as an MP4
  • Share your creative process with others, line by line
  • Ideal for showcasing your work in presentations
  • Export to PowerPoint - now you can create customized presentations with your handwritten notes

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Ink to image & vector

  • Sync, store and export your sketches in JPG, PNG, PDF, SVG or WILL file formats
  • Once exported, refine your work with your favorite software on Mac or PC
  • No need to waste time scanning work in



Inkspace 让你能够轻松地以自己的风格编辑你的作品,赋予你将文件直接导出至惯用平台的能力。

As a creative person, you can streamline your creative process by exporting an initial sketch to Adobe Illustrator. And as a journalist, you can get ahead of a deadline by forwarding your notes straight to Dropbox, Evernote or Microsoft OneNote for editing.


When you’ve finished taking notes, you can use Wacom Inkspace to enhance your work and make basic refinements, or even create new notes. As a designer, for example, you can use Inkspace to develop a logo idea by adding color to a sketch.


Inkspace 让你井井有条地保存作品变得更加简单。

你可以在纸上创作的同时在素描上添加主题标签,或者之后在应用程序上来添加。Inkspace 也可以自动识别主题标签,用其排序并分类你的作品。然后再用 app 的搜索功能来找寻特定标签、文字或创建日期,让你得以在数秒之内找出所需的文件。



当你需要和他人协作时,Inkspace 可以发挥其价值作用。





Inkspace 应用程序可用于平板电脑、智能手机和网页,适合多种设备使用。由于其为云端式程序*,因此用户可随时随地访问并编辑文件——需在外出时进行工作之人的理想选择。此外,你大可放心你的灵感可安全妥当地储存保存。

* 云同步仅适用于移动Inkspace版本。

Inkspace 和这些 Wacom 产品紧密配合

Bamboo 智能数位本

Bamboo Slate 与 Bamboo Folio 智能数位本赋予纸张新力量。只需轻轻按下按键,即可快速数字化你的手写笔记、素描和图标,细节不打折扣。使用 Inkspace,你会感受到如同以真实墨水进行创作、但可用数字墨水进行编辑、分享和整理手创作品的体验。


了解 Inkspace 如何帮助你让灵感更上一层楼

  • 将手写笔记转化为富文本(rich text)
  • 创建展示你创作过程的视频
  • 使用主题标签来整理文件
  • 在实时画布上与他人共事协作
  • 跨越手机、平板电脑和网络的工作方式
  • 将多页纸本汇总至单一 PDF 文件中
  • 使用页签、文字或创作日期来搜索文件
  • 将素描导出成为图片、视频或矢量文件格式
  • 用你惯用的程序进行编辑
  • 行进之间自在使用
  • 轻松分享至社交媒体
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