Transport your ideas into the digital world

Wacom Inkspace is an app that helps you nurture work created on paper. You can transform handwritten notes into text; and turn sketches into image, vector or video file formats – ready to edit in your favorite creative programs. Inkspace works in harmony with our Bamboo Slate and Bamboo Folio smartpads enabling you to craft, enhance and share ideas more effectively than ever before.

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Tools to save you time

Here’s a taste of how Inkspace’s intuitive features can streamline your workflow.

Ink to Text

  • Convert handwritten notes to text or DOC formats
  • Easily edit and share your notes
  • Save time as you don’t have to retype every word
  • Recognizes 22 languages

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Ink to Presentation

  • Ink to Video - Record your work coming together as an MP4
  • Share your creative process with others, line by line
  • Ideal for showcasing your work in presentations
  • Export to PowerPoint - now you can create customized presentations with your handwritten notes

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Ink to image & vector

  • Sync, store and export your sketches in JPG, PNG, PDF, SVG or WILL file formats
  • Once exported, refine your work with your favorite software on Mac or PC
  • No need to waste time scanning work in



Inkspace 讓你能夠無比簡單地以自己的風格編輯你的作品,賦予你將檔案直接匯出至最愛平台的能力。

作為一位創作者,您可以透過將原始草圖匯出至Adobe Illustrator來打造流暢的創作過程。而作為一名記者,則可以透過將筆記直接轉發至Dropbox、Evernote或Microsoft OneNote進行編輯,來搶先截稿時間一步。


當完成筆記後,您可以使用Wacom Inkspace提升您的作品並進行基本改進,甚至創建新的筆記。例如,作為一名設計師,您可以使用Inkspace為草圖添加顏色,來開發徽標創意。


Inkspace 讓井井有條保存你的所有作品變得更加簡單。

你可以在紙上作業的同時新增主題標籤到素描上,或者之後用 app 來新增。Inkspace 會自動識別主題標籤,用其排序並分類你的作品。然後再用 app 的搜尋功能來找尋特定標籤、文字或建立日期,讓你得以在數秒之內找出所需的檔案。

另一個在 app 上整理作品的方法就是建立「群組」。這些有如資料夾,讓你能命名檔案並將檔案放置在合適的資料夾中。群組資料夾可以輕鬆移動、匯出和刪除,方便你審視井然有序的資料庫並妥善控管大量資料。

Crafted for collaboration

When you’ve got to work collaboratively, Inkspace really comes into its own.

Using Live Mode on the Inkspace app, you can make drawings and annotations visible to others digitally as you work on paper. Now you can select different colors so the annotation could be more precise. This is ideal for people who want to broadcast in real time, such as artists sharing their creative process, or maths teachers working through a problem in front of their class.

The web app also enables you to work on a real-time canvas simultaneously with others. As everyone’s thoughts are captured in real time, you can continuously collaborate to create new ideas together and improve your overall workflow – no matter where you all are.

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Your work, wherever you need it to be

The Inkspace app is available on tablet, smartphone and the web, so you can use it with practically any device. And as it’s cloud-based*, you can access and edit your files anytime, anywhere – perfect for working on the go. What’s more, you can rest easy knowing that all your ideas are being stored safely and securely.

* Cloud Synchronization only available in mobile Inkspace versions.

Inkspace works in harmony with these Wacom products

Bamboo smartpads

Bamboo Slate and Bamboo Folio smartpads give paper new powers. They instantly digitize your handwritten notes, sketches and diagrams in remarkable detail – at the simple push of a button. You get all the magic of working with real ink on paper, but can then easily edit, share and organize your handiwork using Inkspace.

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Here's how Inkspace can help your ideas grow

  • Convert handwritten notes to rich text
  • Create videos that show your process
  • Use hashtags to organize files
  • Collaborate on a live canvas
  • Work across mobile, tablet and web
  • Group multiple pages into single PDFs
  • Search for files using tags, words or creation dates
  • Export sketches into image, video or vector file formats
  • Edit using your favorite programs
  • Use on the go
  • Share to social media easily
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