
Wacom Cintiq Pro

Engineered for harmony

プロフェッショナルの声を反映し、デザイン、テクノロジー、設計機構を磨き上げて造られた、進化したWacom Cintiq Proシリーズ。洗練されたデザインと直感的な操作感はクリエイターの創造力を羽ばたかせ、没入感のある制作環境を実現します。ワコム史上最高のこだわりを結集した液晶ペンタブレットです。

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17を購入する

Wacom Cintiq Pro 22を購入する

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27を購入する


本来の色を忠実にディスプレイに再現。すべてのワークフローで一貫した色を表示でき、色の正確さが重要な分野で効果を発揮します。10億色以上を鮮やかに映し出す10 bitカラーのディスプレイは、Adobe RGB カバー率および映像業界の基準となるDCI-P3 カバー率の色域を広く対応し、表現できる色の幅が広がります。Pantone™ 認証、Pantone SkinTone™ 認証を取得し、肌の色合いを忠実に再現し、印刷時の色ぶれを防ぎます。工場出荷時に厳密に色校正しているため、工程ごとに色を合わせる手間を省き、ワークフローを効率化します。HDRガンマ対応し、色鮮やかに作品を映し出します。

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 の色表現について詳しくはこちら

Effortlessly connected

Ensure every pen stroke is a work of art in motion without jitter, lag, or ghosting thanks to the enhanced pen sampling rate that works in harmony with the display.

Every pen movement, from heavy color strokes to featherweight line drawing feels effortless, thanks to the pen's high pressure and tilt sensitivity.

描き味も使い心地も改良された新しいWacom Pro Pen 3

クリエイターひとりひとりがオリジナルの創作スタイルを持つように、新しいWacom Pro Pen 3はカスタマイズ性を重視。作業スタイルに合わせて、パーツを入れ替え、グリップの太さ、サイドスイッチの数、ペンの重心をカスタマイズでき、自分だけのペンに。ペン先が細く、見やすくなった新しいペンデザイン。



Find the right angle

Create the perfect setup for creativity with the Wacom Cintiq Pro Stand*, designed to bring maximum comfort, flexibility and stability to any desktop studio or remote workspace. Adjust height quickly, tilt or rotate up to 20° in each direction, all while keeping total focus on your workflow.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 and 22 require either the Wacom Cintiq Pro Stand* or a compatible VESA monitor arm**. 

*Wacom Cintiq Pro Stand sold separately and available for Cintiq Pro 27, 22 and 17. Cintiq Pro 17 comes with an Easy Stand in the box which offers a single angle of use.
**Sold separately. Compatible monitor arm required for 180 degrees of display rotation (Landscape to Portrait). VESA 75 x 75mm for Cintiq Pro 17;  VESA 100 x 100mm for Cintiq Pro 22 & 27.

Shop Stand






サイズが選べるWacom Cintiq Pro

アイデアを大胆に表現できる大型ディスプレイのWacom Cintiq Pro 27とWacom Cintiq Pro 22。
デスク周りをコンパクトに使いたい場合は、Wacom Cintiq Pro 17が省スペースで自由な創造を手助けします。

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27

More screen, more space. Ideal for product design, video VFX, 3D sculpting & animation, print design and photography.


Wacom Cintiq Pro 22

A large workspace, suiting those with photography, graphic and advertising design needs.


Wacom Cintiq Pro 17

A practical, yet powerful size. Perfect for the most demanding painting and retouching jobs.




Contact us for more information and purchase discounts

Questions? Our experienced sales staff can provide you with insight and best practices on implementation for your design studio, and information on demos and volume discounts.

ワコムだから実現できること - 製品に込められた技術ノウハウ




Wacom Pro Pen 3は筆圧を感知し、線の強弱や濃淡を精細に表現します。

自然な描き心地のWacom Pro Pen 3。筆運びの緩急や陰影を表現する際の手の重さを感知するワコムの技術により、直感的な使い心地を実現しています。



ワコム特許取得済みの電磁誘導方式(EMR)を採用。充電が必要なく軽量なので、長時間の利用でも疲れにくいデザイン。Wacom Pro Pen 3 は長時間の利用でも疲れにくいように設計されています。




Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 は描く際に程よい摩擦があり、紙に描いているような臨場感を再現。



描くPro Penの動きに合わせて、遅延なく線を表示。紙に描くような感覚で描けます。

Linux 対応

クリエイティブのプロフェッショナル業界に長年愛用され続けているワコムのペンタブレット。Wacom Cintiq Pro 27を始めとするワコム製品は、プロフェッショナルのワークフローやスタジオの環境にスムーズに組み込めます。ローカルデスクトップや仮想化マシン向けの各種Linuxに対応。ドライバをダウンロードせずに、プラグアンドプレイで接続できる手軽さは、大きな魅力です。ワコムではクリエイティブ・デザイン系企業様向けに、テクニカルサポートや製品貸出などを行っています。詳しくは、 こちらをご覧いただくか、ワコム営業担当までご相談ください。



* 購入特典のソフトウェアをダウンロードするには、Wacom IDの登録と、Wacom MobileStudio Proの製品登録が必要です。


Toon Boom Harmony

Toon Boom Harmony Premium 22は、アニメ制作の全工程をカバーするアプリとして世界中のスタジオで使用されています。今なら3ヶ月無料ライセンスでお試しいただけます*。レイアウトやコンポジット、3D素材のサポート、カラーマネジメント、音声解析リップシンク技術など、アニメ制作に必要なツールがすべて揃ったHarmony。このオールインソリューションの魅力をWacom Cintiq Proで是非、体験してください。

* Toon Boomのソフトウェアを利用するには、Toon Boomでの登録も必要です。利用規約が適用されます。


Toon Boom Storyboard Pro

Toon BoomのStoryboard Proは、デジタル絵コンテ作成の全工程をカバーするアプリです。こちらも今なら3ヶ月無料ライセンス**でお試しいただけます。 Storyboard Proには、描画、脚本作成、カメラ操作、Vコンテ作成、サウンドなど、コンテ作成に必要なツールがすべて揃っています。

* Toon Boomのソフトウェアを利用するには、Toon Boomでの登録も必要です。利用規約が適用されます。

Clip Studio Paint EX

イラスト、マンガ、ウェブトゥーン、アニメーションなど、あなたの創造性を表現するあらゆる方法に最適なペイントツールです。イラスト、コンセプトアート、マンガ、アニメーションなどジャンルを問わず、初心者からプロまで幅広くご利用いただけます。Clip Studio Paint EXを最大6ヶ月間無料でご利用いただけます。

* Clip Studio Paint EXの最大6か月無料トライアルを利用するには、Celsysのアカウント登録が必要です。利用規約が適用されます。


Capture One

Capture Oneで時間のかかるタスクを処理する編集機能とAIツールを使用すれば、より多くの作業をこなせます。その便利さを3ヶ月*無料トライアルで体験してみましょう。コンピュータへの高速テザー撮影。世界のどこにいても、チームやクライアントとのシームレスなコラボレーション。瞬時にエフェクトを実現する高度なプリセット。さらに、驚異的な色と画質。それらすべてがワコムデバイスで思い通りの制作を可能にします。

*Capture Oneのご利用にはCapture One での登録および、Capture Oneの販売規約に基づいてトライアル終了後に有償となるサブスクリプションが必要です。 本ソフトウェアの利用終了には、 3ヶ月トライアルが終了する前にサブスクリプションを取り消す必要があります。 その他の利用規約が適用されます。


今なら購入特典として、超高速のファイル送信サービスを3ヶ月*(または250 GB)無料でご利用できます。MASVは信頼性のある高速ファイル転送サービス。締切りを目前に大容量ファイルを今すぐ送りたいという動画制作者やクリエイターのニーズにお応えします。指定した宛先にファイルを送信することができるほか、MASVポータルを介してクライアントやパートナーからファイルを受信することもできます。わかりやすいユーザーインターフェースで、だれでも簡単に操作できます。

* MASVの3ヶ月無料トライアルを利用するには、MASVへの登録が必要です。 利用規約が適用されます。

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Specifications

Display Size

17.3 in (43.9 cm)

Refresh Rate

 Maximum 120Hz

Color Gamut

99% DCI-P3
88% Adobe RGB
100% Rec.709
Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

HDR Gamma Support


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Productivity Boosters

ExpressKey™, on-screen controls, time-savings settings

Product Information

Product Type

Creative Pen Display

Product Weight

2.2 kg / 4.9 lbs

Product Dimensions

253 x 424 x 21 mm (10.0 x 16.7 x 0.8 in)

Product Color


Stand Adjustability

Includes the Easy Stand for Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 that attaches by a standard 75 x 75 mm VESA mount. Optional Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Stand that supports tilt, lift, and rotation; the stand attaches by a standard 75 x 75 mm VESA mount

Productivity Boosters

  • ExpressKey™ - Yes (total 8 keys)
  • Touch on/off switch
  • Dedicated pan, scroll, zoom, brush size
  • Precision Mode
  • Radial Menu
  • Display Toggle
  • On-screen controls
  • Pen gestures

Power Input Voltage

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz

Power Output Voltage

20.0V / 3.25A


Kensington® Security Slot

Storage Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: -10 to 60 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 90% RH (non-condensing)
  • Maximum storage humidity is 90% at a temperature of 40 degree C, and maximum storage temperature is 60 degree C at a humidity of 30%.

Operating Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: 5 to 40 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 80% RH (non-condensing)


1 year

Pen & Touch Display Technology

Screen Size (measured diagonally)

17.3 in (43.9 cm)

Active Area

382 x 215 mm (15.0 x 8.5 in)

Display Technology


Touch Technology

Projected capacitive


Yes - 10 fingers

Display Resolution

3840 x 2160 pixels

Supported Resolution

  • 640x480@60Hz (VGA)
  • 720x400@70Hz (IBM_VGA)
  • 720x480@60Hz
  • 720x576@50Hz
  • 800x600@60Hz (SVGA)
  • 1024x768@60Hz (XGA)
  • 1280x720@50Hz/60Hz (HD)
  • 1280x1024@60Hz (SXGA)
  • 1600x1200@60Hz (UXGA)
  • 1920x1080@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz (FHD)
  • 2560x1440@60Hz/120Hz (WQHD)
  • 3840x2160@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz

Uniformity compensation function


Pixel Pitch

0.09945(H) x 0.09945(V) mm


Edge-to-edge tempered glass with AG etching


400 cd/m2 (typ)

Display Colors (maximum)

1.07 billion (Color depth: 10bit x RGB = 30bit)

Color Gamut Coverage Ratio

  • DCI-P3 99% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Adobe RGB 88% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Rec.709 100% (CIE1931) (typ)
  • Pantone™ Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

Aspect Ratio


Viewing Angle

170° (85°/85°) H, (85°/85°) V (typ)

Contrast Ratio

1000:1 (typ)

Response Time

8 ms (typ)


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Pen Technology

Electromagnetic resonance technology

Pen Pressure levels

8192 levels

Supported Pen Tilt Angle

60 degrees

Pen Resolution

5080 lpi

Pen Type

Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free


3 or 0 side switches

Replacement Nibs

10 nibs

Compatibility & Connectivity

Operating system requirements

  • PC: Windows® 10 or later (Latest service pack/ build)
  • Mac: macOS 11 or later (Latest update)

Hardware Requirements

  • USB-C port with DisplayPort Alternate Mode* or HDMI* port or DisplayPort and USB-A port
  • Internet access for driver download
*Ports on host PC 3840 x 2160@120Hz to show maximum resolution on Wacom Cintiq Pro 17

I/O connectors

  • 1x mini DisplayPort
  • 1x HDMI
  • 1x USB Type-C

What's included & optional accessories

What's Included

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 17
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 with 2 extra grips, 3 extra button plates, and a balance piece
  • a detachable pen holder with 10 replacement nibs (5 standard, 5 felt) and nib removal tool
  • Wacom Cintiq Pro Easy Stand
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (1.8 m)
  • AC adapter
  • power cord (1.0 m)
  • quick start guide
  • Regulation sheet

Optional Accessories

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Stand (ACK64803KZ)
  • Wacom ExpressKey Remote (ACK411050)
  • Wacom Color Manager (EODIS3-DCWA)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray (ACK44827Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Straight Grip (ACK34801Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Flare Grip (ACK34802Z)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24801Z)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24819Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 (KP504E)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 - 3D (KP505)
  • Wacom ProPen 2 - Slim (KP301E00DZ)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22211)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22213)
  • AirbrushPen (KP400E)
  • Wacom Grip Pen (KP501E2)
  • Wacom Art Pen (KP701E)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20001)
  • Replacement Hard Felt Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20003)
  • Replacement Flex Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20004)
  • Power Adapter - Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 (ACK4481401Z)
  • USB-C to USB-A cable (ACK4480601Z)
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (ACK44806Z)
  • Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable (ACK4480602Z)
  • Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ (ACK4480603Z)
  • Cintiq Pro 17 Power cable (ACK4480601)
  • Wacom Drawing Glove - 1pack (ACK4472501Z)

Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Specifications

Display Size

21.5 in (54.6 cm)

Refresh Rate

 Maximum 120Hz

Color Gamut

99% DCI-P3
95% Adobe RGB
100% Rec.709
Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

HDR Gamma Support


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Productivity Boosters

ExpressKey™, on-screen controls, time-savings settings

Product Information

Product Type

Creative Pen Display

Model Code


Product Weight

5.0 kg / 11.0 lbs

Product Dimensions

312 x 517 x 30 mm (12.3 x 20.3 x 1.2 in)

Product Color


Stand Adjustability

Optional Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Stand that supports tilt, lift, and rotation; the stand attaches by a standard 100 x 100 mm VESA mount

Productivity Boosters

  • ExpressKeys™ - Yes (total 8 keys)
  • Touch on/off switch
  • Dedicated pan, scroll, zoom, brush size
  • Precision Mode
  • Radial Menu
  • Display Toggle
  • On-screen controls
  • Pen gestures

Power Input Voltage

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz

Power Output Voltage

19.0V / 8.4A


Kensington® Security Slot

Storage Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: -10 to 60 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 90% RH (non-condensing)
  • Maximum storage humidity is 90% at a temperature of 40 degree C, and maximum storage temperature is 60 degree C at a humidity of 30%.

Operating Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: 5 to 40 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 80% RH (non-condensing)


1 year

Pen & Touch Display Technology

Screen Size (measured diagonally)

21.5 in (54.6 cm)

Active Area

476 x 268 mm (18.7 x 10.5 in)

Display Technology


Touch Technology

Projected capacitive


Yes - 10 fingers

Display Resolution

3840 x 2160 pixels

Supported Resolution

  • 640x480@60Hz (VGA)
  • 720x400@70Hz (IBM_VGA)
  • 720x480@60Hz
  • 720x576@50Hz
  • 800x600@60Hz (SVGA)
  • 1024x768@60Hz (XGA)
  • 1280x720@50Hz/60Hz (HD)
  • 1280x1024@60Hz (SXGA)
  • 1600x1200@60Hz (UXGA)
  • 1920x1080@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz (FHD)
  • 2560x1440@60Hz/120Hz (WQHD)
  • 3840x2160@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz

Uniformity compensation function


Pixel Pitch

0.12398(H) x 0.12398(V) mm


Edge-to-edge tempered glass with AG etching


300 cd/m2 (typ)

Display Colors (maximum)

1.07 billion (Color depth: 10bit x RGB = 30bit)

Color Gamut Coverage Ratio

  • DCI-P3 99% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Adobe RGB 95% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Rec.709 100% (CIE1931) (typ)
  • Pantone™ Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

Aspect Ratio


Viewing Angle

170° (85°/85°) H, (85°/85°) V (typ)

Contrast Ratio

1200:1 (typ)

Response Time

12 ms (typ)


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Pen Technology

Electromagnetic resonance technology

Pen Pressure levels

8192 levels

Supported Pen Tilt Angle

60 degrees

Pen Resolution

5080 lpi

Pen Type

Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free


3 or 0 side switches

Replacement Nibs

10 nibs

Compatibility & Connectivity

Operating system requirements

  • PC: Windows® 10 or later (Latest service pack/ build)
  • Mac: macOS 11 or later (Latest update)

Hardware Requirements

  • USB-C port with DisplayPort Alternate Mode* or HDMI* port or DisplayPort and USB-A port
  • Internet access for driver download
*Ports on host PC 3840 x 2160@120Hz to show maximum resolution on Wacom Cintiq Pro 22

I/O connectors

  • 1x mini DisplayPort
  • 1x HDMI
  • 2x USB Type-C
  • 1x USB Standard-A

What's included & optional accessories

What's Included

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 22
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 with 2 extra grips, 3 extra button plates, and a balance piece
  • a detachable pen holder with 10 replacement nibs (5 standard, 5 felt) and nib removal tool
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (1.8 m)
  • USB-C to USB Standard A cable (1.8 m)
  • HDMI cable (1.8 m)
  • Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable (1.8 m)
  • AC adapter
  • power cord (1.0 m)
  • quick start guide
  • Regulation sheet

Optional Accessories

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Stand (ACK64802KZ)
  • Wacom FlexArm Adapter (ACK64804KZ)
  • Wacom Cintiq Pro Extension Table (ACK44826Z)
  • Wacom ExpressKey Remote (ACK411050)
  • Wacom Color Manager (EODIS3-DCWA)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray (ACK44827Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Straight Grip (ACK34801Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Flare Grip (ACK34802Z)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24801Z)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24819Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 (KP504E)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 - 3D (KP505)
  • Wacom ProPen 2 - Slim (KP301E00DZ)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22211)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22213)
  • AirbrushPen (KP400E)
  • Wacom Grip Pen (KP501E2)
  • Wacom Art Pen (KP701E)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20001)
  • Replacement Hard Felt Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20003)
  • Replacement Flex Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20004)
  • Power Adapter - Wacom Cintiq Pro 27/22 (ACK44814Z)
  • USB-C to USB-A cable (ACK4480601Z)
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (ACK44806Z)
  • Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable  (ACK4480602Z)
  • Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™
  • Cintiq Pro 27/22 Power cable (ACK44806X)
  • Wacom Drawing Glove - 1pack (ACK4472501Z)

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Specifications

Display Size

26.9 in (68.3 cm)

Refresh Rate

 Maximum 120Hz

Color Gamut

98% DCI-P3
99% Adobe RGB
100% Rec.709
Pantone Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

HDR Gamma Support


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Productivity Boosters

ExpressKey™, on-screen controls, time-savings settings

Product Information

Product Type

Creative Pen Display

Model Code


Product Weight

7.2 kg (15.9 Ibs)

Product Dimensions

379 x 638 x 31 mm (14.9 x 25.1 x 1.2 in)

Product Color


Stand Adjustability

Optional Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Stand that supports tilt, lift, and rotation; the stand attaches by a standard 100 x 100 mm VESA mount.

Productivity Boosters

  • ExpressKey™ - Yes (total 8 keys)
  • Touch on/off switch
  • Dedicated pan, scroll, zoom, brush size
  • Precision Mode
  • Radial Menu
  • Display Toggle
  • On-screen controls
  • Pen gestures

Power Input Voltage

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz

Power Output Voltage

19.0V / 8.4A


Kensington® Security Slot

Storage Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: -10 to 60 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 90% RH (non-condensing)
  • Maximum storage humidity is 90% at a temperature of 40 degree C, and maximum storage temperature is 60 degree C at a humidity of 30%.

Operating Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: 5 to 40 degree C
  • Humidity: 30% to 80% RH (non-condensing)


1 year

Pen & Touch Display Technology

Screen Size (measured diagonally)

26.9 in (68.3 cm)

Active Area

596 x 335 mm (23.5 x 13.2 in)

Display Technology


Touch Technology

Projected capacitive


Yes - 10 fingers

Display Resolution

3840 x 2160 pixels

Supported Resolution

  • 640x480@60Hz (VGA)
  • 720x400@70Hz (IBM_VGA)
  • 720x480@60Hz
  • 720x576@50Hz
  • 800x600@60Hz (SVGA)
  • 1024x768@60Hz (XGA)
  • 1280x720@50Hz/60Hz (HD)
  • 1280x1024@60Hz (SXGA)
  • 1600x1200@60Hz (UXGA)
  • 1920x1080@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz (FHD)
  • 2560x1440@60Hz/120Hz (WQHD
  • 3840x2160@24Hz/48Hz/50Hz/60Hz/120Hz

Uniformity compensation function


Pixel Pitch

0.15525 (H) x 0.15525 (V) mm


Edge-to-edge tempered glass with AG etching


400 cd/m2 (typ)

Displayable Colors (maximum)

 1.07 billion (Color depth: 10bit x RGB = 30bit)

Color Gamut Coverage Ratio

  • DCI-P3 98% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Adobe RGB 99% (CIE 1931) (typ)
  • Rec.709 100% (CIE1931) (typ)
  • Pantone™ Validated and Pantone SkinTone™ Validated certifications

Aspect Ratio


Viewing Angle

178° (89°/89°) H, (89°/89°) V (typ)

Contrast Ratio

1000:1 (typ)

Response Time

10 ms (typ)


Wacom Pro Pen 3

Pen Technology

Electromagnetic resonance technology

Pen Pressure levels

8192 levels

Supported Pen Tilt Angle

60 degrees

Pen Resolution

5080 lpi

Pen Type

Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free


3 or 0 side switches

Replacement Nibs

10 nibs

Compatibility & Connectivity

Operating system requirements

  • PC: Windows® 10 or later (Latest service pack/ build)
  • Mac: macOS 10.15 or later (Latest update)

Hardware Requirements

  • USB-C port with DisplayPort Alternate Mode* or HDMI* port or DisplayPort and USB-A port
  • Internet access for driver download
*Ports on host PC 3840 x 2160@120Hz to show maximum resolution on Wacom Cintiq Pro 27

I/O connectors

  • 1x mini DisplayPort
  • 1x HDMI
  • 2x USB Type-C
  • 1x USB Standard-A

What's included & optional accessories

What's Included

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 27
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 with 2 extra grips, 3 extra button plates, and a balance piece
  • a detachable pen holder with 10 replacement nibs (5 standard, 5 felt) and nib removal tool
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (1.8 m)
  • USB-C to USB Standard A cable (1.8 m)
  • HDMI cable (1.8 m)
  • Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable (1.8 m)
  • AC adapter
  • power cord (1.0 m)
  • quick start guide
  • Regulation sheet

Optional Accessories

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Stand (ACK64801KZ)
  • Wacom FlexArm Adapter (ACK64804KZ)
  • Wacom Cintiq Pro Extension Table (ACK44826Z)
  • Wacom ExpressKey Remote (ACK411050)
  • Wacom Color Manager (EODIS3-DCWA)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray (ACK44827Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Straight Grip (ACK34801Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 3 - Flare Grip (ACK34802Z)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24801Z)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 3 (ACK24819Z)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 (KP504E)
  • Wacom Pro Pen 2 - 3D (KP505)
  • Wacom ProPen 2 - Slim (KP301E00DZ)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22211)
  • Replacement Felt Nibs - Wacom ProPen 2 (ACK22213)
  • AirbrushPen (KP400E)
  • Wacom Grip Pen (KP501E2)
  • Wacom Art Pen (KP701E)
  • Replacement Standard Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20001)
  • Replacement Hard Felt Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20003)
  • Replacement Flex Nibs - Wacom Art & Grip Pen (ACK20004)
  • Power Adapter - Wacom Cintiq Pro 27/22 (ACK44814Z)
  • USB-C to USB-A cable (ACK4480601Z)
  • USB-C to USB-C cable (ACK44806Z)
  • Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable (ACK4480602Z)
  • Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ (ACK4480603Z)
  • Cintiq Pro 27/22 Power cable (ACK44806X)
  • Wacom Drawing Glove - 1pack (ACK4472501Z)


Wacom Cintiq Pro Extension Table

Gives a home to your favorite tools like keyboard or smartphones. Easily attaches to your Cintiq Pro 27 and 22. Not compatible with Cintiq Pro 17.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 Stand

Fully adjustable to find your optimum working angle.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 Stand

Fully adjustable to find your optimum working angle.

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 Stand

Fully adjustable to find your optimum working angle.

Wacom Pro Pen 3

The Wacom Pen precision you'd expect.  With customizable weight, grip thickness, pen buttons and center of gravity, find the balance that suits your style. 

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Tray

Keeps your pen ready to use and safe while storing your extra nibs and grips. Easily attaches to your Cintiq Pro 27

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Straight Grip

Straight grip replacement for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Flare Grip

Flare grip replacement for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ)

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Standard Nibs 5pc

Standard nib replacements for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ) 5pc

Wacom Pro Pen 3 Felt Nibs 10pc

Felt nib replacements for your Wacom Pro Pen 3 (ACP50000DZ) 10pc

ExpressKey™ Remote

Save time on common creative tasks with the ExpressKey™ Remote's set of 17 customizable buttons and Touch Ring.

Wacom Color Manager

Wacom Color Manager gives you precision color calibration, better image quality and improved uniformity across your entire workflow.

Wacom Drawing Glove

Our eco-friendly glove prevents smudges on your Wacom display or tablet surface.

Wacom Flex Arm Adapter

Update your Wacom Flex Arm for use with your Cintiq Pro. Works with Cintiq Pro 22 and 27 only. 

Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 power adapter

Replacement Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 AC Power Adapter is an external power supply (20V/3.5A) designed to work specifically with the Wacom Cintiq Pro 17

Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ Cable 1.8M

Mini DisplayPort™ to DisplayPort™ cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

Ultra High Speed HDMI™ Cable 1.8M

Ultra High Speed HDMI™ replacement cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

USB-C to A cable 1.8M

USB-C to A cable replacement cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

USB-C to C cable 1.8M

USB-C to C cable replacement cable, (1.8 meters long) that ships with compatible products.

Contact us for more information and purchase discounts

Questions? Our experienced sales staff can provide you with insight and best practices on implementation for your design studio, and information on demos and volume discounts.

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