Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Welcome to a new Wacom sketch lesson. Today we will learn how to draw a woman’s face. This - as we all know - can be a beautiful sight and is also one of my own favorites. Of course, all faces look slightly different, depending on their origin, age, number of ears, etc., not to mention the style of each artist. Sometimes even the same face looks completely different in the morning than it does in the evening.
In this step-by-step guide we will learn some basic guidelines that portrait, caricature, comic and anime artists all over the world have been using for many years when painting realistic faces. Of course, these are not mandatory rules and every artist can adapt and reinterpret them to their own style. With a task as challenging as the female face, it can be tremendously helpful to practice and keep this guide in mind.
In this course we will draw a female face from our imagination and learn some essential tricks and techniques to make it look realistic. We will start by constructing the head shape, then add the features, and finally give the face some fine-tuning and color. I hope you find the course inspiring, and that you will be able to use this approach for yourself in the future.
This course is mainly aimed at beginners, but an experienced artist may discover something new too. I'm also going to talk about the workflow on the computer with a graphic tablet and the advantages of digital devices. However, you can follow the course with pen and paper as well.
I wish you a lot of fun while drawing and great results.
Table of contents
How good that we have constructed so bravely. Because now we know exactly where everything should be located:
• At the top quarter line is the hairline.
• The circle-middle line - well, maybe we could have left that out. But experienced artists know: to make a quarter, you have to make a half first
• The next line is for the eyes. Yes, they are really that low. They sit halfway down the face.
• The nose ends exactly at the lower edge of our first circle.
• And the mouth sits at the center of the small circle.
In the next chapter we will take care of the details for our face.
For the eyebrow, sketch an area which to fill with hair afterwards. This area is rather pointed towards the outside. Female eyebrows tend to be a little narrower than those of men and can have a steeper arch. But be careful - this can appear severe.
The hair of the eyebrows starts inside at a 45-degree angle and becomes flatter towards the outside. It’s best to draw the hair with lots of fast strokes. Start on the inside, and draw each hair at a slightly offset angle.
In this digital age, hair that protrudes too much can be easily erased using a pen tablet.
One of the great advantages of the female face is that there is usually a lot of hair covering the ears, so we may not even have to draw them. The ear is a rather complicated structure with many angles, wrinkles and shadows and should probably be described in more detail in a separate course.
I have therefore indicated in the picture how to draw a somewhat abstracted ear in three simple steps. The two boxes help us to do this.
In the next chapter our face will get hair and final touches, including color.
Hopefully you haven't erased the little hairline guide. If you have, don’t worry, we can position the hair by observing the rest of the face.
Hair, like ears, is a science in itself and basically needs its own tutorial. But I will limit myself to a few lines to describe it.
We start with a rough sketch of the vertex and outer edges of the hairstyle. It's best to draw this on a separate layer, so that we can easily hide the preliminary drawing of the hair later. The line for the parting runs from the hairline auxiliary line - here a little to the right of the center - in an upward sweep that is as elegant as possible. From the vertex, the hair falls towards the ears on both sides. Depending on how loose the hairstyle should look, several lines running side by side can also limit the hairstyle.
I hope you had fun and found some helpful tips for your future drawings. Of course, you can't cover all aspects of a creative topic in a single tutorial.
We will go into more details and variations in future courses, such as: How to draw a face from different perspectives, Faces of different ages, Hair - nose - ears in detail, Coloring of faces, Other parts of the body, Hands - feet - body, and The male face, etc.
This tutorial is designed to provide a solid foundation on which any aspiring artist can build. As in any art form, the results depend on regular practice. Don't be frustrated if you don't like your first drawings. You will get better with every painting. Stay tuned, get inspired and have fun with it.
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
透過自然的介面技術讓人與科技緊密相依,是 Wacom 一貫的願景。這項願景讓 Wacom 成長為全球的互動式數位板、手寫液晶顯示器及數位筆的龍頭製造商,更是數位簽章保存與處理解決方案供應商。Wacom 直覺式輸入裝置的先進技術,已在全球各地造就出許多一流數位藝術、電影、特效、時尚及設計鉅作,其領先的介面技術同時為商業和家庭用戶提供表達自我個性的利器。創立於 1983 年的 Wacom 是全球性企業,總部位於日本(東京證券交易所股號:6727),分公司及行銷與銷售代表處遍佈世界各地 150 多個國家。