步骤 1
Bamboo Tip 可与 iPad、iPhone 及多款 Android 平板电脑和智能手机兼容。如需了解你的设备是否与 Bamboo Tip 兼容,请参见本页中通过兼容性测试的设备列表。
Bamboo Tip 可与 iPad、iPhone 及多款 Android 平板电脑和智能手机兼容。如需了解你的设备是否与 Bamboo Tip 兼容,请参见本页中通过兼容性测试的设备列表。
You can use Bamboo Tip with almost any app on a compatible tablet or smartphone. Some apps have been designed with pen in mind. They can open up completely new uses for you. Here’s an example:
Bamboo Paper 会将你的 iPad 或 Android 设备转化为书写用笔记本。捕获你的奇思妙想,如同在真的纸本笔记簿上做笔记、速写和绘图一样直观与轻松。
如果将来笔尖出现磨损,不必丢弃你的 Bamboo Tip。只需更换笔尖。方法非常简单:用指甲捏住笔尖,轻轻将笔尖从笔中拉出。然后将新的触控笔笔尖(ACK23016)放入笔头,并轻推至其完全插入笔中为止。
All Wacom products can be safely cleaned with 70 or 75 percent isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) when applied to a soft lint free cloth. Lightly wipe the moistened cloth on the hard, nonporous surfaces of your Wacom product, such as the display, or other exterior surfaces. Don't use bleach. Avoid getting moisture in any opening, and don't submerge your Wacom product in any cleaning agents. See below for additional tips or please contact your regional Wacom customer service team.