Getting started with your Bamboo Tip

Here’s an easy guide on how to set up Bamboo Tip for use with your touchscreen devices.

Step 1
Compatibility check

Bamboo Tip is compatible with iPad, iPhone and many Android tablets and smartphones. To check if your device is compatible with Bamboo Tip please see our latest list of devices that we tested for compatibility on this page.

List of tested devices

Step 2
Prepare your stylus


To charge your Bamboo Tip, connect it to your computer or USB charger, using the cable provided. The USB connector is located under the cover at the top end of the stylus.

Power on

Press the side button to turn on your Bamboo Tip. The light will blink twice. Please note that your stylus will turn off if it is inactive for more than five minutes. To reactivate it, just press the button again.


You can optimize the performance of your Bamboo Tip to different types of touchscreens by flicking the small compatibility switch at its top end. Choose the upper position for most tablets. For an iPad Pro switch it to the lower position.

Now your Bamboo Tip is ready for use.

You can use Bamboo Tip with almost any app on a compatible tablet or smartphone. Some apps have been designed with pen in mind. They can open up completely new uses for you. Here’s an example:

Bamboo Paper App Background

Check out pen-optimized apps like Bamboo Paper

Bamboo Paper turns your iPad or Android device into a paper notebook. Capture your thoughts and ideas, notes, sketches and drawings as straightforward and easy as in a real paper notebook.

Learn more about Bamboo Paper

One day...

Replacing the nib

Should the nib wear out one day, you don’t need to dispose your Bamboo Tip. Just replace the nib. It is easy like this: Pinch the tip of the nib with your fingernails and gently pull it away from the pen. Then put in a new stylus nib (ACK23016) and gently push it in until it is fully inserted.

You can purchase new nibs from our store. They come as a set of two different nib types. So you can choose between a soft and a firm feel when writing on screen.

Recommandations et directives pour le nettoyage de votre produit Wacom

Tous les produits Wacom peuvent être nettoyés en toute sécurité avec de l'alcool isopropylique (alcool à friction) à 70 ou 75 % appliqué sur un chiffon doux non pelucheux. Essuyez légèrement le chiffon humidifié sur les surfaces dures et non poreuses de votre produit Wacom, comme l'écran, ou sur d'autres surfaces extérieures. N'utilisez pas d'eau de javel. Évitez l'humidité dans toute ouverture et n'immergez pas votre produit Wacom dans des produits de nettoyage. Regardez ci-dessous pour des conseils supplémentaires ou veuillez contacter votre équipe régionale du service clientèle Wacom.

En savoir plus

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