将枯燥的教学内容转变为生动、互动性十足、参与度更高的课堂体验。利用 Wacom 交互式数位屏,您可以直接在您的屏幕上书写然后投影,让学生能亲自参与。无需背对学生才能在白板或黑板上写字。
深入了解 Wacom 交互式数位屏如何能够帮助您维持学生的专注度。
在讲课时学生是否总是心不在焉,您有机会让他们更专心听讲并积极参与课堂活动。使用 Wacom 产品来说明概念,有如学生就端坐在您面前。使用交互式数位屏来逐步解释数学方程式或英语语法。让您的学生能按其步调吸收教学内容,您也会有更多时间在课堂上支持学生。
Bridge the distance between remote learners and the classroom by creating rich, interactive content that invites students to participate just as they would in person.
Start with a blank slate or mark up digital content you've already created. Immediately fold feedback into your lessons to connect with and engage students. Since Wacom's products work with all the leading software applications, you won't have to worry about your own learning curve.