
和 Wacom One 一起探索充滿可能的大膽新世界。當你以數位方式塗鴉、繪畫、編輯影像、做筆記或是與他人協作,你可以做的事沒有極限。

什麼是 Wacom One?

Wacom One 不僅只是一架以新方式讓你表現自我的理想手寫液晶顯示器或數位板。透過附贈軟體、教學和令人期待的社群體驗,初試身手一番,看看你能展現出多少潛能。

Everything you need to get started

Wacom One is not just a pen display or pen tablet. All models come with everything you need to get started in your creative hobby including bonus downloadable software, training, and access to ongoing fun and inspiring content to help you get the most out of your product and your creative hobby.

Join the exciting community

Engage with the Wacom One community for videos, articles, activities and training to inspire and excite your imagination and help you get the most from your Wacom One. All you need to do is register your new Wacom.

Make it yours

There are so many ways to personalize your Wacom One. Choose a color for your Wacom One Pen or pick your favorite digital pen from LAMY, Staedtler, Dr Grip or Kaweko. Add the Rear Cover* and the Stand*. You’re sure to find the right option for you.

*Only for Wacom One 12 & 13 touch.

Easy to set up

Get started anywhere, anytime. Just connect Wacom One to your PC, Mac, Chromebook or compatible Android device, and you’re ready to go*.

*Driver download required for Windows & MacOS.

A name you can trust

We’ve been pioneering digital pen technology for 40 years, so you can enjoy an authentic writing and drawing experience to express yourself.

More eco-friendly design

We have prioritized the use of sustainable materials in the product and packaging making them products and their transportation more eco-friendly.

探索適合你的 Wacom One 產品

想要探索數位世界的全新可能性嗎?Wacom One 是入門的理想工具,功能靈活,從進行標註到創造藝術作品,任何內容都能勝任。

Wacom One - Draw and paint

Draw and paint

Take your creations to the next level and join the digital art community. It could be the start of something wonderful.

Explore offers
Wacom One - Interact

Interact and annotate

Seamlessly recreate the theatre of the classroom wherever you are learning and working. Interact more naturally and explore complex subjects together in real time.

Explore offers
Wacom One - Ideate

Ideate and collaborate

Collaborating online? Share your plans, ideas and presentations in a more natural and efficient way with a digital pen.

Explore offers

挑選適合個人需求的 Wacom One

手寫液晶顯示器及數位板均提供兩種尺寸可供選擇,助你找到適合自己工作空間的理想 Wacom One。

Wacom One pen display 13 touch

Wacom One 13 touch
Pen display

13.3" Full HD (1920x1080)
Wacom One Pen & Multi-touch*
USB-C single cable connectivity to computer
Windows, Mac, AndroidTM, Chromebook

Shop now
Wacom One pen display 12

Wacom One 12
Pen display

11.6" Full HD (1920x1080)
Wacom One Pen
USB-C single cable connectivity to computer
Windows, Mac, Android, Chromebook

Shop now
Wacom One pen tablet medium

Wacom One M
Pen tablet

8.5 x 5.3" (drawing or active area)
Wacom One Pen
Wireless Connectivity (Bluetooth 5.1)
Windows, Mac, Android, Chromebook

Shop now
Wacom One pen tablet small

Wacom One S
Pen tablet

6.0 x 3.7" (drawing or active area)
Wacom One Pen
Wireless Connectivity (Bluetooth 5.1)
Windows, Mac, Android, Chromebook

Shop now

* 多點觸控(具備開/關功能)讓你在創作時,可以同時使用數位筆和手指操作。


購買 Wacom One,你獲得的不只是手寫液晶顯示器或數位板。你還可以獲得大量免費資源,這些都能增強你的技能,助你快速成長。

Bonus software

Explore a range of free software options* designed to help you live your passion.

*To get your complimentary software you need to sign-in or create a Wacom ID with your personal data and register your Wacom One.

Grow your skills

With a Wacom ID, you become part of the community. With loads of tailored content and support available, you get more out of your device.


Wacom One 不只一種可能。正如你會想在自己的作品留下專屬印記,現在你也可以在自己的裝置上,選用不同的數位筆顏色和多種配件*。

  • 選擇適合你的尺寸:11.6 吋和 13.3 吋手寫液晶顯示器型號,或是小型和中型的數位板,搭配你創作所需空間。產品可得性按地區而定。
  • 客製化數位筆。可從多款數位筆收納包顏色*進行選擇。
  • 設計自己的背蓋**,添加個人專屬印章。
  • 加購 Wacom One 腳架**和攜行袋*。
  • 如果你有使用已久的心愛筆款,裝置可相容第三方數位筆(例如 LAMY 和 Staedtler)。

* 所有配件均可在 Wacom 網路商店單獨購買。**僅限手寫液晶顯示器。配件均可在 Wacom 網路商店單獨購買。


長期以來,Wacom 一直是富有創造力與好奇心的人士的最愛。40 多年來,電影製作、動畫師、特效藝術家和設計師,一直仰賴我們的創新產品讓他們的想法化為現實。現在,你也可以。


下載附贈軟體,與 Wacom One* 完全相容。

* 以你的個人資料登入或建立 Wacom ID 並替你的 Wacom One 註冊,即可取得所需的附贈軟體。

Clip Studio logo

用一體式的繪圖、上色、製作畫冊與漫畫的創作解決方案,解放深藏於你心中的藝術家靈魂。藉助其強調繪圖與上色之特色,在運用數位上色最佳功能的同時,能以有如在紙上或畫布上作業的自在感來進行設計。Clip Studio Paint Pro 是一款人氣工具,絕對適合數位創作入門者*。


* 要開始 Clip Studio Paint EX 最多 6 個月的免費試用,需要在 Celsys 註冊。適用條款與條件。

magma studio logo


Magma 的協作繪圖平臺可透過任何瀏覽器訪問,最多可讓 50 位藝術家同時在畫布上進行創作。在使用 Magma 的專業繪圖工具時,藝術家可以在不離開畫布的情況下透過評論、聊天和通話進行交流。這使得 Magma 非常適合團體腦力激盪、舉辦藝術活動以及與其他創意人員聯繫!Magma 針對 Wacom 裝置進行了優化,為 Wacom 用戶提供 3 個月的免費試用。

* 如欲獲得 3 個月的 Magma 免費試用,需註冊 Magma。適用條款與條件

Skillshare是一個線上學習社群,為富有創造力和好奇心的人士提供數千個鼓舞人心的線上課程。探索新技能、加深現有的熱情並沉浸在創造力中,包括專為提升您在Wacom One上的技能而設計的課程*。

* 如欲獲得 3 個月的 Skillshare 免費試用,需註冊 Skillshare。適用條款與條件。

Affinity Designer 是多合一向量圖形軟體,適合設計標誌、概念藝術、UI 設計等領域的創作。透過向量和光柵設計的流暢完美組合、數百種省時工具和功能,以及複雜的排版選項,讓你可以輕鬆完成下一個創作任務*。


* 如欲獲得 3 個月的 Affinity Designer 免費試用,需註冊 Affinity。適用條款與條件。

獲獎肯定的影像編輯軟體,是希望提升自我的攝影師與專業人士的理想之選。Affinity Photo 配備大量全新功能和升級工具,無論是照片修飾或是創作完整飽滿的多圖層構圖,都能為你實現更流暢的工作流程*。


* 如欲獲得 3 個月的 Affinity Photo 免費試用,需註冊 Affinity。適用條款與條件。

使用Affinity Publisher和Wacom One為數位或印刷出版品創造最高品質、最引人注目的版面設計。體驗頁面設計軟體的未來,為數位或印刷出版品創造最高品質、最引人注目的佈局所需的一切*。

* 如欲獲得 3 個月的 Affinity Publisher 免費試用,需註冊 Affinity。適用條款與條件。

在此 Wacom 獨家游戲示範中,使用 Wacom 數位筆和數位板潛心繪畫並將作品賣給自命不凡的藝評人,重啟您失去的藝術生涯*。探索可愛的、藝術氛圍匱乏的菲尼克斯小鎮,向他們證明您是一位真正的藝術家!《Passpartout 2:迷失的藝術家》是 Wacom 的完美補充,让您可以創作精美的藝術作品,完成游戲中的挑戰。


* 要下載 Passpartout 2 的免費演示版,需要在 Steam 上註冊。適用條款與條件。



使用 One by Wacom 和 3 個月試用期的 Concepts 來繪製、規劃、編輯和分享您的所有偉大創意*。這款無限畫布 App 包含易學的簡明介面,讓你能夠專注於自己的創造力。功能包括基於向量的編輯、有趣的色輪、直覺的手勢與快速效能。此優惠僅在 Windows 作業系統上有效。

* 如欲獲得 3 個月的 Concepts 免費試用,需註冊 Concepts。適用條款與條件。


下載附贈軟體,與 Wacom One* 完全相容。

* 以你的個人資料登入或建立 Wacom ID 並替你的 Wacom One 註冊,即可取得所需的附贈軟體。


Kami 可將任何現有文件轉為圖像,供明確表達或互動學習之用。利用你的 Wacom 手寫液晶顯示器和 Wacom 數位板,靈活運用一系列的註解工具與其他人即時合作,順利成就完美成果*。



* 如欲獲得 12 個月的 Kami 免費試用,需註冊 Kami。適用條款與條件。




* 如欲獲得 3 個月的 Explain Everything 免費試用,需註冊 Explain Everything。適用條款與條件。

bamboo paper

運用這款簡單好用的應用程式手寫筆記、繪製草圖,讓你的 Wacom One 搖身一變成為數位筆記本。


下載附贈軟體,與 Wacom One* 完全相容。

* 以你的個人資料登入或建立 Wacom ID 並替你的 Wacom One 註冊,即可取得所需的附贈軟體。

Foxit PDF Editor

準備好在桌面、移動裝置和Web上製作、轉換、編輯、簽署和繪製任何PDF。世界各地的人們都在使用Foxit PDF Editor執行其文件管理解決方案,現在您也可以*。將Foxit與您的Wacom裝置配合使用,快速定製、標記、簽署和管理您的PDF文件。

* 如欲獲得 12 個月的 Foxit PDF Editor 免費試用,需註冊 Foxit。適用條款與條件。

在 Wacom One 上將手寫筆記轉換為智慧型數位檔案,輕按一下即可進行搜尋、整理和分享。



有了 Wacom One,你不只可以擁有先進科技,還可以擁有永續的手寫液晶顯示器或數位板。我們已經移除所有包裝中內含的石油衍生塑膠材料,並加長保固時間,將重心放在維修而非更換新機。


減少 Wacom One 手寫液晶顯示器的電線數量

為了盡量減少浪費,你可以選擇 Wacom One 隨貨提供的電線。

USB-C Cable

USB-C to USB-C cable

Shop now

3 in 1 Cable

USB-C to A, HDMI, power

Shop now

Accessories to make Wacom One your own

Wacom One Stand

Elevate your Wacom One Pen Display to the next level with the Wacom One Stand. Foldable, portable and moveable to find your ideal working position.

Wacom One Standard Pen White-Gray

The Wacom One Pen for all Wacom One models. Includes removable rear case so you can mix and match with any of the available colorful rear case options.

Wacom One Pen Front Case White

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen White front case with any of the available colorful rear case options. Does not include rear case.

Wacom One Pen Front Case Gray

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen Grey front case with any of the available colorful rear case options.  Does not include rear case.

Wacom One Pen Rear Case Gray

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen gray rear case with Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z), Wacom One pen front white case (ACK44929WZ) or gray case (ACK44929GZ). 

Wacom One Pen Rear Case Lime

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen Lime rear case with Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z), Wacom One pen front white case (ACK44929WZ) or gray case (ACK44929GZ).

Wacom One Pen Rear Case Wood

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen Wood rear case with Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z), Wacom One pen front white case (ACK44929WZ) or gray case (ACK44929GZ).

Wacom One Pen Rear Case Champagne Gold

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen Champagne Gold rear case with Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z), Wacom One pen front white case (ACK44929WZ) or gray case (ACK44929GZ).

Wacom One Pen Rear Case Mint w/Rose clip

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen Mint w/Rose rear clip case with Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z), Wacom One pen front white case (ACK44929WZ) or gray case (ACK44929GZ).

Wacom One Pen Rear Case White w/White clip

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen White w/White rear clip case with Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z), Wacom One pen front white case (ACK44929WZ) or gray case (ACK44929GZ).

Wacom One Pen Rear Case Yellow w/Lavender clip

Mix and match this Wacom One Pen Yellow w/Lavender rear clip case with Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z), Wacom One pen front white case (ACK44929WZ) or gray case (ACK44929GZ).

Wacom One Carry Case

Carry and protect your Wacom One along with your laptop in style. Pockets and dividers help you stay organized on the move.

Wacom One 13T Rear Cover

Personalize your Wacom One 13 touch with a clear rear cover. Show your creative work and add your drawings, photos behind the cover where its protected.

Wacom One 12 Rear Cover

Personalize your Wacom One 12 with a with a clear rear cover. Show your creative work and add your drawings, photos behind the cover where its protected.

Wacom One Pen Standard Nibs 10pc/pack

Standard nib replacements for your Wacom One Pen (CP932303B2Z) 10pc

Wacom One Pen Felt Nibs 10pc/pack

Felt nib replacements for your Wacom One Pen (CP932303B2Z) 10pc

Wacom One pen Elastomer Nibs 10pc/pack

Elastomer nib replacements for your Wacom One Pen (CP932303B2Z) 10pc

USB-C to USB-A cable

USB-A to USB-C cable (2M) for Wacom One Pen tablets  Small (CTC4110WL) and Medium (CTC6110WL)

Wacom One Pen Tablet S/M USB-C to C cable

Replacement USB-C cable (1M) for Wacom One Pen tablets Small (CTC4110WL) and Medium (CTC6110WL)

Wacom One 12/13T and Wacom Movink Power Adapter

The Wacom One power adapter works with Wacom One 12 (DTC121W) ,Wacom One 13 touch (DTH134W), and Wacom Movink. 15w USB-C power port with region specific plug heads.

Wacom One 12/13T 3 in 1 cable 2.0M

Replacement 3 in 1 cable (2M) for Wacom One 12 (DTC121W) and Wacom One 13 touch (DTH134W)

Wacom One 12/13T USB-C to C cable 1.8M

Replacement USB-C cable (1.8M) for Wacom One 12 (DTC121W) and Wacom One 13 touch (DTH134W)


只要腦中一迸出靈感,你就能立刻將 Wacom One 連到你的 PC、Mac、Chromebook 或是 Android 裝置。

設定 Wacom One

查看相容的 Chromebook 和 Android 裝置清單

Wacom One pen display specifications

Display Size

11.6 & 13.3 inch

Battery-free Pen

No recharging

Colorful & Fun Accessories

Great variety of exciting accessories, including 3rd party compatible pens

Bonus Pack

Bundle software & tutorials

Easy to Connect

Single cable connection


Windows, Mac, Android™, ChromeOS

Product Information

Product Type

Creative Pen Display

Global Model Code

Wacom One 12

  • DTC121

Wacom One 13 touch

  • DTH134

Product Dimensions (L x W x H)

Wacom One 12

  • 299 x 190 x 11 mm (11.8 x 7.5 x 0.4 in)

Wacom One 13 touch

  • 336 x 222 x 12 mm (13.2 x 8.7 x 0.5 in)

Product Weight

Wacom One 12

  • 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs)

Wacom One 13 touch

  • 0.9 kg (1.9 lbs))

Product Color


Power Consumption

Wacom One 12

  • Max: 14W (AC Adapter) / 13W (PC USB Power Delivery Port )
  • Sleep: 1.5W
  • Off: 0.3W

Wacom One 13 touch

  • Max: 15W (AC Adapter) / 14.6W (PC USB Power Delivery Port )
  • Sleep: 1.5W
  • Off: 0.3W

Power Input Voltage

AC 100-240V 50-60Hz (AC Power Adapter) DC 5V 3A (PC USB Power Delivery port)

Power Output Voltage

DC 9V 2.77A (AC Power Adapter)


  • Kensington NanoSaver
  • One Tether Slot

  • Storage Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: -10 to 60 deg. C
  • Humidity: 30 to 90%RH (non-condensing) (Maximum storage humidity is 90% at a temperature of 45 deg. C, and maximum storage temperature is 60 deg. C at a humidity of 30%.)

  • Operating Temperature and Humidity

  • Temperature: 5 to 40 deg. C
  • Humidity: 30 to 80 % RH (non-condensing)

  • Warranty

    1 year

    Pen Display Technology

    Screen Size

    Wacom One 12

    • 11.6 inch

    Wacom One 13 touch

    • 13.3 inch

    Display Resolution

    1920 x 1080 pixels

    Display Technology



    Wacom One 12

    • AG + AF Glass

    Wacom One 13 touch

    • AG + AF Glass

    Color Depth

    8bit x RGB = 24bit

    Aspect Ratio


    Viewing Angle

    170deg. (85/85) H / 170deg. (85/85) V (typ)

    Contrast Ratio

    Wacom One 12

    • 1400:1 (typ)

    Wacom One 13 touch

    • 2000:1 (Typ)

    Uniformity Compensation Function


    Pixel Pitch

    Wacom One 12

    • 0.1335 (H) x 0.1335 (V) mm

    Wacom One 13 touch

    • 0.1530 (H) x 0.1530 (V) mm


    Wacom One 12

    • 275cd/m2 (typ)

    Wacom One 13 touch

    • 320cd/m2 (typ)

    Response Time

    Wacom One 12

    • 18ms (typ)

    Wacom One 13 touch

    • 19ms (typ)

    Active Area

    Wacom One 12

    • 257 x 145 mm (10.1 x 5.7 in)

    Wacom One 13 touch

    • 294 x 165 mm (11.6 x 6.5 in)

    Color Gamut Coverage Ratio

    sRGB 99% (CIE1931) (typ)

    Pen Name

    Wacom One Standard Pen

    Number of Switches

    2 Side Switches

    Pen Pressure Levels


    Supported Pen Tilt Angle

    60 degrees

    Pen Resolution

    2540 lpi

    Pen Type

    Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free

    Pen Technology

    Electromagnetic resonance technology


    No - Wacom One 12

    Yes - Wacom One 13 touch

    Compatibility and Connectivity

    Hardware Requirement

    USB-C port with DisplayPort™ Alt Mode, or HDMI™ port and USB-A port. Internet access to download driver* and select downloadable software**.

    * Driver download and installation only on Windows PC and Mac.
    ** Wacom ID and product registration required. Agreement to Terms of Use and respective license agreement from bonus software companies required.

    I/O Connectors

    2x USB-C

    Source Video Signal


    System Requirements

    • Windows® 10 or later
    • macOS 11 or later
    • Android™ 8 and above*
    • The latest version of ChromeOS**.

    *Display mode requires manufacturer specific OS support. See Wacom support for display mode compatible devices.
    ** ChromeOS may not apply in certain regions/countries.

    What's include and Optional Accessories

    What's Included

    USB-C Cable Model

    • 1 x Display Device
    • 2 x USB-C to USB-C Cable (1.8m)
    • 1 x Wacom One Standard Pen
    • 10 x Wacom One Pen Standard Nib
    • 1 x Nib Remover
    • 1 x Wacom One Power Adapter
    • 1 x Quick Start Guide
    • 1x Important Product Information document
    • 1 x Notice Sheet

    3 in 1 Cable Model

    • 1 x Display Device
    • 1 x Wacom One 3 in 1 Cable
    • 1 x Wacom One Standard Pen
    • 10 x Wacom One Pen Standard Nib
    • 1 x Nib Remover
    • 1 x Wacom One Power Adapter
    • 1 x Quick Start Guide
    • 1x Important Product Information document
    • 1 x Notice Sheet

    eStore Model

    • 1 x Display Device
    • 1 x Quick Start Guide
    • 1x Important Product Information document
    • 1 x Notice Sheet

    Optional Accessories

    • Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z)
    • Wacom One Pen Front Case - White (ACK44929WZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Front Case - Gray (ACK44929GZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Gray (ACK44930GZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Lime (ACK44930EZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Wood (ACK44930CZ)*
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Champagne Gold (ACK44930DZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - White with White Clip (ACK44930WZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Mint with Rose Clip (ACK44930MZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Yellow with Lavender Clip (ACK44930YZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Standard Nibs (ACK24911Z)
    • Wacom One Pen Felt Nibs (ACK24919Z)
    • Wacom One Pen Elastomer Nibs (ACK24918Z)
    • Wacom One 3 In 1 Cable (ACK4490602Z)
    • USB-C to USB-C Cable (ACK4490601Z)
    • Wacom One Power Adapter (ACK44914)
    • Wacom One Stand (ACK649Z)
    • Wacom One 13 Rear Cover (ACK449311Z), for DTH134W only
    • Wacom One 12 Rear Cover (ACK449312Z), for DTC121W only
    • Wacom One Carry Case (ACK54900Z)

    *Available in some regions.

    Wacom One pen tablet specifications

    Tablet Size

    Available in Small & Medium sizes

    Battery-free Pen

    No recharging

    Colorful & Fun Accessories

    Great variety of exciting accessories, including 3rd party compatible pens

    Bonus Pack

    Bundle software & tutorials

    Easy to Connect

    Bluetooth & USB


    Windows, Mac, Android™, ChromeOS

    Product Information

    Product Type

    Creative Pen Tablet

    Global Model Code

    Wacom One S

    • CTC4110WL

    Wacom One M

    • CTC6110WL

    Product Dimensions (L x W x H)

    Wacom One S

    • 188 x 141 x 8 mm (7.4 x 5.6 x 0.3 in)

    Wacom One M

    • 252 x 181 x 8 mm (9.9 x 7.1 x 0.3 in)

    Active Area

    Wacom One S

    • 152 x 95 mm (6.0 x 3.7 in)

    Wacom One M

    • 216 x 135 mm (8.5 x 5.3 in)

    Product Weight

    Wacom One S

    • 0.2kg (0.45lb)

    Wacom One M

    • 0.35kg (0.76lb)

    Product Color



    Yes - Built-in, non-replaceable Li-ion battery

    Continuous Operation Time / Charging Time

    15 hours minimum* / Up to 3.5 hours

    *Battery life will vary. It depends on how the products are used and which device settings are selected.


    One Tether Slot


    1 year

    Pen & Touch Technology

    Pen Name

    Wacom One Standard Pen

    Number of Switches

    2 Side Switches

    Pen Pressure Levels


    Supported Pen Tilt Angle

    60 degrees

    Pen Resolution

    2540 lpi

    Pen Type

    Pressure-sensitive, cordless, battery-free

    Pen Technology

    Electromagnetic resonance technology





    Wireless connectivity

    Yes - Bluetooth® 5.1

    ON / OFF / Bluetooth Pairing Button


    Reset Button


    Compatibility & Connectivity

    Hardware Requirement

    USB port, Bluetooth Low Energy for wireless connection. Internet access to download driver* and select downloadable software**.

    * Driver download and installation only on Windows PC and Mac.
    ** Wacom ID and product registration required. Agreement to Terms of Use and respective license agreement from bonus software companies required.

    System Requirements

    • Windows® 10 or later
    • macOS 11 or later
    • Android™ 8 and above*
    • The latest version of ChromeOS*.

    * ChromeOS may not apply in certain regions/countries.

    What's include and Optional Accessories

    What's Included

      Standard Model
    • 1 x Tablet Device
    • 1 x USB-C to C L shape cable(1m)
    • 1 x Wacom One Standard Pen
    • 10 x Wacom One Pen Standard Nib
    • 1 x Nib Remover
    • 1 x Quick Start Guide
    • 1x Important Product Information document
      eStore Model
    • 1 x Tablet Device
    • 1 x Quick Start Guide
    • 1x Important Product Information document

    Optional Accessories

    • Wacom One Standard Pen (CP92303B2Z)
    • Wacom One Pen Front Case - White (ACK44929WZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Front Case - Gray (ACK44929GZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Gray (ACK44930GZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Lime (ACK44930EZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Wood (ACK44930CZ)*
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Champagne Gold (ACK44930DZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - White with White Clip (ACK44930WZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Mint with Rose Clip (ACK44930MZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Rear Case - Yellow with Lavender Clip (ACK44930YZ)
    • Wacom One Pen Standard Nibs (ACK24911Z)
    • Wacom One Pen Felt Nibs (ACK24919Z)
    • USB-C to C L Shape Cable (1m) (ACK45006Z)
    • USB-A to USB-C L Shape Cable (2m) (ACK42206)
    • Wacom One Carry Case (ACK54900Z)

    *Available in some regions.


    Wacom One, 第一代 (DTC133)

    無論你是數位創作的入門者、想替自己的視覺思考增添一股旋風、還是想加強你的數位表達力,Wacom One 都能為你傳達絕佳的體驗。




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