전 세계 창의적 기업을 활성화하는 파트너십

비디오 게임용 캐릭터를 조각하든 획기적인 소비자 제품을 위해 무수히 많은 컨셉을 스케치하든 전 세계 창의적 기업들은 한 가지 공통점이 있습니다. 재능을 증폭시키기 위해 Wacom의 펜 및 디스플레이 기술력에 의존한다는 점입니다.

Give your artists superpowers

Whimsical or wicked, many of today’s popular characters in comic books, graphic novels, anime and manga are brought to life on a Wacom device. Your artists can use the pressure-sensitive pen to start sketching conceptual pencil drawings right on screen, moving all the way through digital inking and coloring on the same device. That makes it easier to incorporate client changes on the fly: moving and resizing elements, applying finer details, changing layers and composition, and erasing mistakes.

Integration with Adobe® Creative Cloud applications, Corel® Painter®, Smith Micro Moho and Clip Studio Paint opens up a whole new palette of tools that allow more control over strokes, blending, textures and other techniques—all the elements to make superheroes and villains pop off the page. And ergonomic design features, from adjustable stands to multi-touch capabilities, let your artists work more comfortably on the iconic characters and stories that will keep fans coming back for more.

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