Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
实现真正无纸化办公的重要步骤之一便是 Word 电子签名。打印文件、签名然后再扫描起来实在很烦人,而且根本没有必要。在 Word 创建签名有两种方法,我们会在这里示范给你看。
想在 Word 文件插入你的签名,有两种方法:
Wacom 压感笔是更加方便的解决方案,特别是如果你经常想通过电子方式签署文件。此外,压感笔还可以用于其他用途,例如在 Word 创建电子旁注或用来绘图。我们会在下方说明签署 Word 文件的两种可能方式。
对于电子形式的签名来说,安全性与文件真实性尤为重要。毕竟在电子文件上伪造签名太容易了。基本上,所有拥有你在任何文件上手写签名的人,都可以拍下签名并以电子方式插入到 Word 文件。这就是为什么会存在各种电子签名安全级别的原因。较为可靠的是具备凭证的数字签名。针对某些文件,你实际上需要这种签章,才能让签名生效。至于其他文件,像是应征工作或是取消订阅的文件,在 Word 插入图片创建数字签名或是直接使用 Wacom 压感笔签名就足够了。Wacom 数字墨迹软件的技术基础是“Wacom 墨迹图层语言”(Wacom Ink Layer Language, WILL)。通过这项技术,你的签名便可以在各种设备与应用程序上呈现,且具备生物精准度。
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
Wacom’s vision is to bring people and technology closer together through natural interface technologies. This has made it the world’s leading manufacturer of interactive pen tablets and displays as well as of digital styli and solutions for saving and processing digital signatures. The advanced technology of Wacom’s intuitive input devices has been used to create some of the most exciting digital art, films, special effects, fashion and designs around the world and provides business and home users with their leading interface technology to express their personality. Founded in 1983, Wacom is a global company based in Japan (Tokyo Stock Exchange 6727) with subsidiaries and affiliate offices around the world to support marketing and distribution in over 150 countries.