灰色Bamboo Sketch笔盒具有时尚的绿色内衬和磁吸盒盖。触控笔、USB充电器和可更换笔尖有专门的空间,始终便于保存和取用。
灰色Bamboo Sketch笔盒具有时尚的绿色内衬和磁吸盒盖。触控笔、USB充电器和可更换笔尖有专门的空间,始终便于保存和取用。
下载或打开一个Wacom触控笔兼容应用程序,以便与您的Bamboo Sketch配对。
当一个应用程序与Bamboo Sketch首次配合使用时,重复第4步进行配对。
Bamboo Sketch配有两个不同的可更换笔尖,方便地存放在笔盒内。为更换当前的笔尖,只需将其插入笔盒侧面预留的小孔内。倾斜触控笔并移除笔尖。
Bamboo Paper让您的设备变成纸质笔记本。捕捉思想和创意、笔记、素描和绘画,就像使用真正的纸、笔一样直接和轻松。
了解更多关于Bamboo Paper的信息 ::before ::after
Inkspace无缝地集成至Bamboo Note和Bamboo Paper,以随时随地保存、访问、同步和分享您的笔记和创意。
Pairing your stylus with popular apps.
The videos are showcasing the pairing processes, with the example of the Bamboo Fineline 2
All Wacom products can be safely cleaned with 70 or 75 percent isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) when applied to a soft lint free cloth. Lightly wipe the moistened cloth on the hard, nonporous surfaces of your Wacom product, such as the display, or other exterior surfaces. Don't use bleach. Avoid getting moisture in any opening, and don't submerge your Wacom product in any cleaning agents. See below for additional tips or please contact your regional Wacom customer service team.